One thing that is so often missed, is making sure that you’re timing sex within your fertile window.
Your fertile window are the 1-5 days around ovulation and these are the only days when you can conceive in a cycle.
The tricky part is finding these days, as they can change from month to month, even if you have a regular cycle. Ovulation test kits aren't accurate in PCOS because they miss the spike, or report a false positive especially in PCOS. Additionally, apps that predict ovulation very rarely get it right (especially in PCOS) because they make an assumption that you ovulate on day 14.
Preconception care is woefully inadequate, globally. There is a huge push to get women pregnant, but little done to ensure you have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. If your real goal is to have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby there are a few things you need to be doing while you're trying to conceive. We teach you how to pick the best prenatal supplement, what to get your doctor to check before you conceive and how to check and improve your partners sperm quality.
We also give you the information you need for when you do conceive, especially about the conditions us PCOSers and at greater risk of.
This module takes you through the essential information you need to detect the days of your cycle that you're actually fertile. This is designed in a way that you start charting immediately, you don't have to wait until your period.
Module breakdown:
The second module takes you through the essential things to do while you're finding your fertile window and trying to conceive. There are so many inferior prenatal supplements on the market (sadly even those recommended by medical professionals), so getting the right advice before conception is critical for your and your babies health.
Module breakdown:
We are ecstatic as had been told we’d need fertility treatment. Our first daughter was conceived with IUI.
I am a GP in England and will definitely be using what I learned to give more hope to my patients with PCOS
There is so much information online about charting your temperature and cervical fluid, but having a trained educator there to help you interpret your cycles and say "yes, you've interpreted your cycles perfectly" was the most important thing for me to stop second guessing myself.
But that's just the start. Deciding to have a baby, trying, failing, trying, having the baby, and all the things that can happen a long the way, it’s an emotional, personal and lonely journey. When you choose to involve someone else in that journey, it needs to be someone who understands, who can support you, empower you and give you knowledge to get where you want to be. I chose Clare to do that, and I definitely made the right choice.
Apps can be a great way of recording and keeping track of your BBT and cervical fluid, but they can’t accurately tell you when your fertile window is, especially if you’re only recording the days of your period! These apps us a computer algorithm to determine when you're leading up to ovulation, however these are only about 60% accurate for 'normal' cycles, let alone PCOS irregular cycles. Additionally, they can't tell you if your luteal phase is sufficient to have a viable pregnancy.